Community Partners

We have worked with 100+ local and national non-profit organizations!
Together Making An Impact

InterVol repurposes unused medical supplies and functioning medical equipment. This saves lives locally, nationally, and internationally and saves the environment of needless waste. InterVol coordinates a team of caring individuals that collect, sort and ship to more than 83 counties as well as 103 local and national non-profits. Help expand and participate in this 30 year-effort by adding collection sites within your hospital, health clinic, or similar health services.
Local & National
The supplies we collect and distribute impact more than 65 local and national non-profits. These life-saving materials help organizations within YOUR own community. The American Cancer Society, Habitat for Humanity, Jewish Family Services, Lifetime Care, Ronald McDonald House, Veterans Outreach Center, Volunteers of America, Samaritan’s Purse and the United Cajun Navy all benefit because of thoughtful medical professionals and donors like you.

Global Impact
Our team ships to non-profit organizations, hospitals and clinics in need of medical supplies and equipment. Mongolia, Ukraine, Poland, India, Ghana, Zululand, Liberia, Congo, Mali, Belize and Haiti are regular recipients of supplies.