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Volunteer Spotlight: Ann Ras, RN

Ann Ras, RN

This year, Ann Ras will be celebrating 50 years as a Registered Nurse. She began her career at Rochester General Hospital, where she met Drs. Ralph Pennino and Timothy O'Connor and first heard of InterVol.

Twenty years later, Ann moved on to work at McKesson. Twenty years after that, she changed focus once again and went to work at Shepherd Home, a hospice in Penfield, NY, where she has been for the last ten years.

During such an incredible career, Ann never forgot what she'd learned from Drs. Pennino and O'Connor about the work InterVol does, and began volunteering in order to expand her reach and make a difference not just in the lives of those she's cared for here in Rochester but also all over the world. Ann has been volunteer, friend, and supporter of InterVol for well over a decade now, and she has seen just about everything in her time.

One of the most memorable moments for Ann was the aftermath of the 7.0 earthquake that rocked Haiti in January of 2010.

"The number of volunteers who showed up to the warehouse, day after day, to pack relief supplies was incredible," Ann recounted. "They would have worked through the night if we'd asked them to."

Without amazing volunteers like Ann, InterVol wouldn't be able to do so much for so many with so few resources.


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